Friday, October 23, 2009

BARONG BANGKUNG, Holyday in Kuningan


Nuance or public image in the Kuningan Day celebrated like that ever happened in the past (Buhun), until now still look left at a number of villages in Bali, especially the western part of Karangasem regency.
Karangasem, 28 / 3 (AFP) - Nuance or public image in the Kuningan Day celebrated like that ever happened in the past (Buhun), until now still look left at a number of villages in Bali, especially the western part of Karangasem regency.

In some villages that stretch of hills near the border with the Bangli District, people still retain the habit of celebrating Buhun Kuningan Day, Saturday.

AFP reporter who did the search to the topography of the village area average about 25 degrees berkemiringan it, had witnessed was a barong dance bangkung "ngelawang", which came into the houses.

With a dynamic dance, barong Ambengan bangkung of Banjar, Nongan Village, Towns Rendang, looking pitch-swing in the public streets, and occasionally chase and charged spectators who crowded the show areka.

Bangkung barong dance, almost similar to typical performances barongsai China. The difference, barongsai performed with a lion's head mask, while the barong bangkung, mask or the head of the "puppet" of the beast, described the pig's head (bangkung).

A barong bangkung art performances, involving at least 25 other members of the group (skaa), consisting of two dancers barong, 12 gamelan players, and the remaining two pengaping include ornamental umbrella, flag (banner), spears and other accessories.

In the "colonies" that's big enough, bangkung barong skaa show attraction "door to door", with the hope of a hiring or nanggap.

In Bangli

Not only in the Karangasem region, people in several villages in the eastern part of Bangli Regency was, in celebration of Kuningan Day that afternoon, was carrying bangkung barong.

Barong Skaa who looked toned up by a group of women dancers, under the hot sun "ngelawang" from village to village, from village Nyalian, Bungbungan, Tembuku, Bangbang, Cepunggung, Undisan, up to Tampwagan.

The village is mostly located in the hill ridge area, people still look pretty "intimate" show skaa treat bangkung barong.

As a result, skaa from Undisan Village, often had to be and spin long enough from the house to house in a village in a long time.

Wayan Karta, barong skaa leaders said, because quite crowded people perceive, it is no surprise to rotate in one village alone takes about four hours.

In fact, he said, one-time gig with Rp5.000 response costs, bangkung goods only dance for about five minutes.

This show unique is that its presence often creates fear, not only among children, but also most of the mothers.

The problem is, the dancer often bring barongnya the crowd with a gesture as if to attack, with a mouth mask that mangap-mangap. Therefore, not a few spectators screamed, even running away.

Meriah. Such an impression that can be caught from bangkung barong performances, while the local villagers believe that the performance art "Buhun" can also be cast out evil spirits or demons that interfere with life.

Regardless, the presence of a color bangkung barong Kuningan Day, recently appeared only in a row left the village in Karangasem and Bangli eastern part of the course, while in other peer-village island resort, nearly a memory.

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