Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pagerwesi Ceremony


When people celebrate Saraswati Day, the day Kliwon Wednesday (7 / 1) Wuku Sinta Hindu celebration continued with Pagerwesi. What exactly the nature of Pagerwesi?

TEACHER Hindu University of Indonesia (UNHI) Prof. Dr. TB Gunadha, M.Sc. said in this community celebration worship Pagerwesi Ida Sang Hyang Widhi (God) in its manifestation as Shiva or Master Hyang Paramestiguru - resources and all the teachers. Through coaching we can gurulah good learning curve.

Once people get kaweruhan (science), knowledge that is used as a strong fortress, ringed to the challenges of life or provision to achieve the welfare of life and inner peace.

In celebration of this Pagerwesi real people are taught about the discernment facing various challenges. Thus we are fully conscious. "When we face many challenges, we are taught true withdraw into berenung. With demilcian we can clearly see the problem so as to find solutions to solve or to obtain a clear path to stay on the path of truth (satya), "he said.

Similar dikatakari professor State Institute of Hindu Dharma (IHDN) Prof. Denpasar. Drs. Ketut Subagiasta, M.Sc., D. Phil. When Ida Sang Hyang Widi (Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati) decrease during Saraswati science, then the people need a teacher learn. In this case the teacher's role is very noble. When was the people Pagerwesi worships God in its manifestation as the master - Hyang Paramestiguru. "Once people get science, theory of knowledge is necessary practiced or implemented. In implementing the necessary guidance counselor. Of knowledge (jnana) is obtained by further interpreted or practiced (wijnana) to live a life full of obstacles, "he said as he confirmed that Pagerwesi implies that knowledge has ruled that the fence should be strong in life - fortify yourself with knowledge .

Lecturer UNHI Drs. TB Suatama, M.Sc. said the same thing. In the context of learning science, teacher attendance is very important study. Thanks to the guidance gurulah people can master the knowledge properly and correctly.

Teachers, continued TB Suatama, contains two things that gunatika and rupadita. Gunatika means a teacher must be able to pass TRIGUNA - Satyam, rajas and tamas. While rupadita means is not bound anymore to the things that nuanced world. That is why, the teacher is highly respected and obeyed. Teachers are only concerned to sisya (students) achieve his intelligence and maturity. That science is used provision to achieve progress in life - ie get a good meal (wareg), obtain clothing (Wastra), have a healthy home or board (homestead), remains in good health (sane), entertain themselves or refresing ( tourism) and keep the good (wasita). (lun).

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